I'm ready to buy Modules 1-5 of the Pregnancy to Parenting, (formerly Raising Confident Parents) Online Course for $265.50 or $146.03 (2 installments)


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Hi! I'm Mary

I just found out that I’m expecting! I’m thrilled. Now, I have to quickly learn about what’s happening to my body and how my baby is developing. I want to learn about the baby’s development in each trimester. And, I don’t know how to handle telling my boss at work about the baby – I don’t know my rights ‘on the job’. There are so many decisions to make, so much to do, and if I find out later that I’m expecting more than one baby – how will I handle having multiple babies? I’m a bit anxious about labor and delivery – I need to understand the stages of labor, how to manage pain, and learn about the different types of labor and delivery. And, what do I do when I’m in the hospital? I need to know the questions to ask, and how to prepare my other children, and the family dog, for when the new baby comes home. I want to learn about postpartum depression, and what to look for – and what my family needs to look for – to keep me safe. Everyone is so focused on the baby….but I need looking after too! Then there’s coming home with the new baby. How can I ensure a safe sleep environment, make sure I’m taking good care of myself and my baby, and what problems – and what developmental milestones – I should be on the lookout for!

Babies don't come home with instruction manuals. The Pregnancy to Parenting: Raising Confident Parents Online Course will help you navigate through pregnancy, delivery, and bringing your baby home.

Be transported from feeling afraid and worried to feeling strong and confident in your abilities to make the most of your transition to parenthood, and feeling good about yourself. We'll tell you the truth about what to expect, sharing the secrets only baby nurses and other seasoned parents can deliver to build your confidence and help you through each step along the way.


Meet baby experts and course creators, Pam Jones, RN and Pat Porrey, CPD.

"As a parent myself, I know firsthand the struggles of pregnancy and surviving a baby's infant years. I always wished when I had my kids that I had an instruction book for those sleepless nights, feeding dilemmas, constant discomforts, and everything in between. Thanks to Pat and Pam for their dedication to finding solutions to these challenges."

Charlotte Canion; Speaker, Mentor and Author of "You Have to Laugh to Keep From Crying"

"The title says it all: Raising Confident Parents is the answered prayer for those who seek help in caring for their newborn. It provides no-nonsense tips and strategies to help you get through each parenting step, in a language that everyone can easily understand."

Margaret Haacker, M.S. OTR/L Occupational Therapist, Speaker and Author of "The Parent Plan"

"Babies definitely do not come home with instruction manuals - while carrying for your little one should be one of the happiest times of your life, it can also be the most stressful. Thankfully, Pat and Pam are here to help! They share the secrets that only expect Baby Nurses and Veteran Parents can offer; you will benefit from proven parenting tips to boost your confidence and enjoy this phenomenal time in your life."

Tarinee Sawetnaphanon, Speaker, Life Coach and Author of Single Mum and Happy!

Raising Confident Parents Online Course Syllabus

Modules 1-5

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today and purchase Modules One through Five:

Pregnancy to Parenting - Raising Confident Parents Online Course

  • Lessons include:
    • Recorded video instruction
    • Audio instruction/podcasts
    • Recorded demonstrations
    • Power point Slides
    • Transcripts
    • Interviews with experts
    • Checklists
    • Shopping Lists
    • You can watch the lessons, listen to the lessons, and/or read the lessons.

The Pregnancy to Parenting  - Raising Confident Parents Online Course is PERFECT for you if...

  1. You are a soon-to-be, expecting, new parent or grandparent who may be anxious about what you don't know.
  2. You need to boost your confidence.
  3. You need to learn everything about your baby.
  4. You need to prepare for your baby before and after delivery.
  5. You need access to experts and resources to help build your confidence.
  6. You need a village and want to be part of a community of other new or expecting parents in a non-judgemental way.
  7. You don't have time to read a 300 page book to figure out what to do for sore nipples!
  8. You need education on pregnancy, infant care and a return to normalcy - and sleep. 
  9. You need to be surrounded by other new moms, parents or grandparents with NO JUDGEMENT.

If you said “yes” to at least 3 of the above, we can’t wait to meet you inside The Pregnancy to Parenting - Raising Confident Parents Online Course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click each question to get the answer.

You will always have access 24x7. You can always return to your Learning Library to review the materials and watch, listen to, or read, the lessons. This is great for when you are expecting additional babies - the materials are your indefinitely.

We have three stand-alone module options: Module One: Pregnancy; Module Six: Fed is Best; and Module Seven: Healthy Sleep. These are available for $59 each. We also offer bundled options. All Modules 1-10, 1-5 (prenatal journey), and 6-10 (postpartum journey). Our online course has a total of 10 modules w/44 lessons. The entire course teaches what to expect during pregnancy, how to prepare for your delivery, and what to do once you get your new baby home.

Only those who purchase bundled Modules One thru Ten will receive updates and enhancements to the course modules and lessons at no additional cost. This is a lifetime benefit.


You have 15 days after purchase to decide if Raising Confident Parents Online Course is right for you. Once we process your refund, we will close your Learning Library and your access to the private online community.

"From pregnancy to staying in the hospital to going home with your baby to sleep tips, everything you need to be a confident parent to your little one is now made possible with the help of this gem of a course from Pam and Pat. Raising Confident Parents is proof that there is a workaround for thriving in the earliest stages of parenthood. It is a reminder that the rewards of being a parent is worth all the challenges."

Susie Meals

Pricing Options

If you're like Mary, and want to feel confident, in control and prepared for your birth experience, we invite you to join us.

Pay In Full Now

$ 265.50

One-time payment.


Preparing For Baby's Arrival

Labor & Delivery

Hospital Stay

Bringing Baby Home


Pay In 2 Installments*

$ 146.03

Pay $ 146.03 now, and $ 146.03 in 30 days.


Preparing For Baby's Arrival

Labor & Delivery

Hospital Stay

Bringing Baby Home 

CLICK TO BUY NOW + PAY $146.03. THEN, PAY $146.03 IN 30 days. (*10% installment surcharge)

Thank You For Your Interest In Modules One thru Five: Your Prenatal Journey.

We hope you decide to join us as you learn about Pregnancy, Preparing for Baby's Arrival, Labor & Delivery, Your Hospital Stay, and Bringing Baby Home.

For all course details - all modules and offers - please click here to visit our website

50% Complete

Two Step

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